Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sick days, Snow days, and Better days ahead!!!!!

Well It has been another busy week Danny my son was sick with bronchitis for over a week and stuck at home. We had a lot of really good talks while Danny was recovering, but as soon as he felt better we were hit with a Blizzard and he got a snowday and missed another day of school.

I am working on walking backwards and side to side on my leg sim, we found that my lower leg was swelling badly so my Physical Therapist gave me some support socks (wow I really don’t feel THAT OLD). The socks help keep the swelling down and makes it a lot more comfortable. My veins in my leg were swollen and sticking out “UUUUUGLY”

I talked to Joe Schrader (inventor of the Leg Sim) the other day he seems to have taken an interest in my case. He and I have been talking off and on for years. I tried several times to get this ball rolling but the staff at Long Beach VA Hospital kept giving me the run around and Joe and I tried and tried but it wasn’t until I moved back to Iowa that I finally found someone who was willing to listen to me.

The physical therapist was the first one to show an interest. She sent me to the amputee clinic so I could show the Doctor and after I showed him the printouts from the website he looked it up right there and said “lets give it a try” and before you know it I was back on my feet after 8 years in a wheelchair. It sure felt good to see my wife at eye level and walk around my house and see the view from up here, LOL. In addition to all that I am starting to see improvement in my back pain.

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