Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back in the saddle again

It was a great day today, warm, but not too warm. Liedra Danny and I finished the servicing and repairs to the Trike. When we were done we took a short jaunt to get gas with Danny, Cubbie, and David. Later on Liedra talked me into going again and it was really windy blowing really hard. We had a ball riding today. I used the Leg Sim to walk to and mount the Phoenix and it was so much easier to stow than my wheelchair.

Me using my Leg Sim to get on my Trike
Heigh Ho Silver and AWAYYYY!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Busy Day, Ran out of spoons

Whew!! I am wiped out I was up at 5:30 with Danny and have been on the go all day. Running errands and trying to deliver a pen but now the guy wants a different color?!?! So I hope someone will buy it If nothing else I will keep it for myself, I really love Fountain Pens, So elegant! I went to the VA today to get my prescriptions and some pads for my TENS Unit (muscle zapper). Man those guys were slow and I was starting to hurt, Liedra took care of me (I have one great wife!!!!) I have been getting more time on the Leg Sim and can walk at something like a normal pace but is is scary (I'm afraid I might fall again) I think i might try selling my pens at some local real estate offices.

I was working on the trike the other day and had to take the headers to change the spark plugs That's the way I'm gonna do it from now on I saved time even with the extra steps involved. The hard part was replacing the Alternator stand that was cracked, I can't seem to get the tins on the engine to go back together again. Guess I will have to run down and get Steve to help.

Well So much for now I'm gonna Sleep

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back Up

Sorry but I have been feeling bad lately so i havent been able to pay any attention to this blog. I'm now feeling a little better and have been working on my Trike and turning pens at the Lathe. I have been working on the Leg Sim, especially since my back pain was acting up again, and has helped a bit. Today I sold some pens at the bank and got some more hardware kits to make more pens. We took some pictures of me cooking and at the Lathe using my Leg Sim. It is amazing to me how such a simple thing as standing up can help improve your mental state.

Well I guess it is time to go to bed. Good Nite Joe Schrader wherever you are!!!
